Daniel's Note
In response to The Wingard Report Issue #31
Your "paper" would be simply laughable if the subject matter did not affect the greatest and most powerful nation on the planet. I am sure my logic and facts will fall of deaf ears, since this "newsletter" is nothing more than retyped Fox News talking points given out by the RNC. I do not have time to show all of the copious errors and just out right lies made by your group, so I will just illustrate enough to show that not all of us true patriots are buying the load of garbage you are peddling. Oh, by the way, you may note that true sources are cited as proof, not just Blogs that show a person's opinion. Also, this is not done by some angry liberal, but by a person that that does not use their birth certificate as a handicap parking permit as most of your readers obviously must. Note: Not intended to offend any legitimately handicap people.
First, the piece on that "liberals" are tying the hands of our military in Iraq and that is why we can't win. This is truly disturbing. First, it lacks any moral clarity and is just run on dribble creating one strawman after another, never really dealing with what has happened in the wars that were "lost".
Argument one, "Enemies must be defeated. They must be targeted and killed wherever they hide." This is interesting, considering that Bush said, "And, again, I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him." http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/03/20020313-8.html This after he promised that, "I want justice. And there's an old poster out west, that I recall, that said, ``Wanted, Dead or Alive.'' September 17, 2001
Gee what ever happened to that?????? Huh, funny how the guy that did attack us is forgotten about. The one that everyone on the planet wanted dead. Now, our leader decides he is nothing to worry about. Very interesting how liberals turned Bush on that one. An interesting quote by Bush showed his mind set on the whole thing, how he was reserved in finding him just two days after the attack, "I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. " Spoken at a September 13, 2001 meeting with the four senators from New York and Virginia. Reported in "A President Finds His True Voice", Newsweek (September 24, 2001) What is 2 mill?? Like anyone would have gave a damn! We wanted him dead. But hey, spend 300 billion on a war that was not necessary, now you are talking! But, I am sure that liberals made him say that too. A tough guy like him would not hold back on the person that murdered more than 3,000 of our people because of money!
Now in the case of Iraq, the war went to shambles because of poor planning. End of story, Bush ignored top commanders telling him he needed 500,000 troops to secure the country. True, you could just nuke everyone like you stated in your piece of poetry, but hey, I guess, you are more moral than the rest of us. We could ignore all of the retired generals coming forth criticizing Bush, but hey they must be disgruntled, they are retired!! I mean, it is not as though Bush is beyond ending the careers of those currently serving in the military, or is he?????? Zinni was retired when he made his criticism and Shinseki was forced to retire not long after making his remarks; a move that did not go unnoted in the officer corps. That would explain why active-duty military personnel have been fairly restrained in their public comments on the outlook for the war as the insurgency in Iraq has gained strength since the end of major combat operations in 2003. "Nobody likes to be forced to fall on their sword," according to Colonel Dan Smith, US Army, retired, fellow on military affairs for the Friends Committee on National Legislation. "If you are going to speak your mind you want to stay in the service to fight another day." http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/GF17Ak03.html
But hey that is just some Asian Business paper, what do they know we don't right. And we all know business journals are very liberal, so they can't be trusted!!!
And of course, Bush listens to all of the advice of his Generals, the ones he said he would let conduct the war. Just a few of the complaints:
With the exception of Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni, the former head of Central Command who opposed the Bush-Rumsfeld rush to war, the other generals did not publicly protest until secure in retirement. Nevertheless, they bring imposing credentials to their charges against the defense secretary.
Major Gen. Paul Eaton, first of the five rebels to speak out, was in charge of training Iraqi forces until 2004. He blames Rumsfeld for complicating the U.S. mission by alienating our NATO allies.
Marine Lt. Gen. Gregory Newbold, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs up to the eve of war, charges Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith with a "casualness and swagger that are the special province of those who have never had to execute these missions – or bury the results."
Maj. Gen. John Batiste, who commanded the Army's 1st Division in Iraq, charges that Rumsfeld does not seek nor does he accept the counsel of field commanders. Maj. Gen. John Riggs echoes Batiste. This directly contradicts what President Bush has told the nation.
Maj. Gen. Charles J. Swannack, former field commander of the 82nd Airborne, believes we can create a stable government in Iraq, but says Rumsfeld has mismanaged the war.
Well, that subject is getting boring, and let's face it, the article is not fit for a 5 th grader to debate, so I will move on. And look at those people with their poor military credentials!! I am sure Rush knows what is really is going on.
Your attack on John Murtha is despicable. If he did commit crimes, there is a not liberal out there that believes he should have a pass based on his war record. It is Republicans that time and time again look the other way while their colleagues steal and commit fraud. Also, I find it funny how Republicans can talk so tough. They are like the drunk guy in the bar, talk big and bad, but when it comes to the fist to fist, they head for the door, or have someone else fight for them. Let's take a look at true patriotism and those that served honorably verses those that got out….. I mean served in ways that were more dignified, like running companies into the ground and stealing.
Take a man like John Murtha, he VOLUNEERED for Vietnam, and served from 66-67, even after he had left the service as a Captain. While in Vietnam he received 2 purple hearts and a Bronze Star. http://www.house.gov/murtha/pdf/record2.pdf And people like Culter and Limbaugh have the nerve to call into question his patriotism!!! If anyone has the right to question war it is those that have served and experienced it. Gee, lets see, Culter got the pass for being a woman, even though women could serve during Desert Storm. Will let her slide on that, but not for being a vile human being. Limbaugh, had an anal cyst as stated on his deferment, or the football injury he cited on his show? "As for Limbaugh himself, the broadcaster stated that he was not drafted during the Vietnam War because he had been classified 4-F after a physical found that he had an "inoperable pilonidal cyst" and "a football knee from high school." He added: "I made no effort to evade it or avoid it." (Colford)
I guess he has two excuses! According to the Military Entrance Processing Command, a pilonidal cyst was then and is today a so-called "disqualifying condition" for induction. It's a congenital incomplete closure of the neural groove at the base of the spinal cord in which excess tissue and hair may collect and cause discomfort and discharge. The malady can be corrected by surgery, but short of that it is viewed by the military as a needless risk amid unsanitary conditions in the field.
Colford, Paul D. The Rush Limbaugh Story.
New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993. ISBN 0-312-09906-1 (pp. 14-20).
So, ft was the cyst, as stated on the military deferment, it could have been corrected with surgery, but hey, he had better things to do.
Next, Bush, never mind he opted for state side service during Vietnam, I am sure he had some Vietcong to take care of in the Panhandle! But consider,
· The President did not attend enough drills to complete his obligation to the Guard during his final year of service.
· During the final two years of his service obligation, Bush did not comply with Air Force regulations that impose a time limit on making up missed drills. Instead, he took credit for makeup drills he participated in outside that time frame. Five months of drills missed by the President in 1972 were never made up, contrary to assertions made by the White House.
I am not even going to bother with talking about Cheney, Rumsfeld, and basically the entire Cabinet, it is all the same. Besides, I am sure you will not believe the facts anyways.
As for corruption and Murtha, as stated before, if guilty hang him. Liberals do not have a problem with accountability, unlike the present administration. This is not a full account by any means of the fraud committed by these individuals.
A couple of key players, the guy in the White House, committed fraud with his company Harken, but was given a pass by dad who was Pres. When he went under investigation by the SEC. The matter is still left "undetermined". "In June of 1990, Bush sold two-thirds of the Harken stock he had received in the Spectrum 7 deal--and collected $318,430 more than it was worth when he first obtained it. Get low, sell high? Anything wrong with that? The month before this sale, Harken appointed Bush to a committee to determine, as Ivins and Dubose put it, "how restructuring [of the firm] would affect ordinary shareholders." According to Ivins and Dubose, who note the previous reporting work of " U.S. News and World Report," when Bush served on this committee, he was privy to information indicating the company was in trouble. He then dumped his stocks before this news became public. "U.S. News" concluded that at the time of the sale there was "substantial evidence to suggest that Bush knew Harken was in dire straits."" http://www.thenation.com/capitalgames...
The Bad Hunter (Cheney) : Haliburton has been accused of a Enron type scandal with misleading investors while Oh Dead Eye was at the helm. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/2119981.stm
Well, thanks for the laughs, keep them coming!!! And yes, I did enjoy this, I am sure that you would like to believe that I did this out of uncontrollable rage! Really, the only part that upsets me is when people call themselves "patriots" and criticize the service to country of others, when they do not step up themselves. Just remember, the Army will now take you until you are 39. And yes, in the case of asking someone to give their life for a cause, you better be willing to do the same…. It is not like putting flags on your car or singing songs that you hear at NASCAR races, that is not being a patriot or a tough guy. Has been like having a debate with a six year old…. Actually, that would be an insult to my six year old. So I take that back. Be sure to pass my name onto the FBI to tape my phone. I am sure I will not hear back from any of you. Unless it is just one line insults, which is ok with me. I know you have tons of lies to make up and people to smear, all in the name of moral fun.
A True Patriot
Daniel Russo
Note: I do not have military service either, but I will not call those a coward that do. I point out the problems with Bush's based on the fact that his is nothing compared to those that he and his administration continually call into question. The ones that were on the front lines willing to sacrifice their lives and lived the horror of war in order for me to be able to hold this "debate" have my undying gratitude despite political opinion or personality defects.
-- Aloha, Daniel Russo
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